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Elevate your brand with integrated video solutions

Amplify the reach and engagement of your video content everywhere consumers are streaming to drive sales and brand awareness.

What’s keeping your content from getting to the right audience?

Disorganized Assets
Your valuable content is scattered, costing you precious time and drowning you in disorganization.
Fragmented Viewership
Your content struggles to reach audiences where they are, leading to missed relationships and potential revenue.
Wasted Resources
Too many hours are spent searching for media assets, risking productivity and efficiency as chaos reigns.

A unified platform to execute your brand's video content strategy

Backlight's solutions help you maximize content value, expand reach where audiences are watching, and strengthen asset organization so you don't miss out on maximizing profits or waste precious time and money with disjointed media workflows.

Your step-by-step plan for corporate video success

Remove friction in your digital workflows
Streamline content access for multiple teams using a unified, easily searchable system and enjoy finding and collaborating on assets from any storage.
Create and Distribute Digital Content
Grow content production in volume and variety. Leverage live content with quick turnaround tools to create audience-centric clips, stories, highlights, and live broadcasts. Easily monetize existing content with sponsored posts on social, subscription-based O&O platforms or ad-supported streaming with dynamic ad insertion.
Reach Your Audience Where They Are
Create new and innovative content experiences that engage a broad audience, delivered in the right formats for quality streaming. Distribute vertical, branded content across Web, Mobile, OTT, Connected Devices, and FAST platforms.

Trusted by businesses and corporations everywhere


Brands need solutions that help them create and distribute high-quality content

You want to elevate your brand by delivering high-quality content that resonates with your audiences. To achieve this, you need a unified asset management and content distribution solution. Your content's disorganization and your audience's fragmentation lead to confusion, inefficiency, and time constraints. We believe there's a better way to manage your vast media assets and reach your audience in the moments they're tuned in, wherever they may be.

We’ll help you reach your goal of creating professional content that positively represents the organization all while keeping stakeholders happy.

We understand your struggles in the dynamic content creation landscape, including revenue generation, content management, high-quality production, maximizing reach, security, budget constraints, geographical collaboration, and adapting to digital trends.

Backed by a proven track record, we provide a plan tailored to your needs, transforming content chaos into streamlined production, enhanced distribution, and maximized reach.

Book a demo with us, and then explore our inspiring customer stories. It's time to escape the fragmented content chaos and master media management and distribution.


How to secure the media supply chain with iconik

Take the next step

Talk with our team to discuss your specific challenges and needs.