Monetize your content with video advertising
Integrate advertising that runs at the appropriate times and is targeted to your individual viewers.

Zype Streaming Platform gives you the complete monetization tool set you need to extend your business and own your revenue. Monetization tools that fit your audience and business goals. With Zype, there are no middlemen standing between you and your hard-earned revenue.
Integration with ad servers, partners, and networks
Run multiple ad format
Bring your own ad network. Zype Streaming Platform supports VAST, VPAID, and VMAP tags.
Fully control ad serving
We support many major ad servers and can make recommendations and introductions to premium video ad servers to maximize your advertising revenue.
Powerful ad macro
Utilize ad macros to maximize CPMs and revenue by dynamically returning critical details to your ad SSPs. Learn more
Precision control over ads
Decide when your ads appear with custom ad timings. Optimize based on your content and determine the right time to break for an ad, down to the second.